Understanding 'Stress'
“I am stressed out. I need to take a break tomorrow”. “I didn’t read that book for the last two days. Even that looks part of my routine. It stresses me out”. “I hate that gang. I get stressed at their sight”. “I have lots of homework today. I am tensed”. These are statements which we frequently come across in our lives every day. ‘Stress’ was not a common terminology used in conversations few years ago. But today it has broken all age barriers ranging from a 10 year old to a CEO in the fifties. Though few might use the word without recognizing its meaning it is true that our society is suffering from a disease of ‘extended stresses’. To avoid prolonged stress it is necessary to understand its purpose. Imagine yourself 20,000 years ago in a forest eating a hunted deer under the shade of a tree. Suddenly, when you sense a lion stalking you, you bolt from the place. When the lion gives chase, you climb faster to the top of the nearby tree. Your breathing and heart rate ar...