The Cluttered Agent
I could not remember when I entered the network but I have certainly lost track of time. There is a reason watches are not allowed in here. Time is relative, it has always been and going by the fact that it has been a long time I have begun my search, I feel time is moving slowly. I rested my back on the steam tainted walls of the current room I am in. The fact that I was wearing a bark textured shirt did not help ventilation. I chose it as I expected to reach the desired room in comfortable time. The room I am in currently is relatively large. Its deconstruction shows that it is not something visited regularly. The room is dying a slow death, the blinking table lamp, the teary scraps on the walls, the melting table and the slimy armchair indicate that it comes from ages beyond. Its silence is what I needed to regroup my thought process. The desired room has the information which is absolutely necessary for combat. It has the tools to organize the next move without which ther...